Thanks to the huge selection of page templates and layouts, you can mix and match the different options to create your own custom design. The powerful page builder tool is on hand to help you carry out any more extensive customization work.
Your website will not just work on desktop but will look good on any major devices such as tablet, smart phone. The width will be automatically scaled by your screen size.
Powerful Admin Panel
You can do almost everything from admin panel. Such as change site’s layout, change header style, change colros, create custom skin, export customer page builder template, etc.
Import Demo Site
GoodLayers’ demo importer is very easy to use and very customizable. Just one click and boom! We also have improved the way to import demo images to make it even faster!
Best Support Team
We have dedicated support team with 5 years of experience in this field and we ensure that after you create a ticket, we will get back to you within 12-14 hours(in business day).
19 Header Styles
You can choose header style easily via admin panel.